Mobile Handset Company Nokia signs agreement of sponsorship with Rangpur Riders. Ishtiaque Sadek, CEO, Rangpur Riders and Rakibul Kabir, MD, Union Group of Company on behalf of Nokia signed the agreement yesterday at Westin Hotel in Dhaka. Tasbir Ul Islam, Head of Operations, Rangpur Riders; Farhan Rashid, Head of Business, Nokia Bangladesh and Iffat Johur, Marketing Lead, Nokia Bangladesh were also present at the signing program.
According to the agreement the Nokia Logo will be placed on the Helmet of the Rangpur Riders. Rangpur Riders is the defending champion of the Bangladseh Premier League (BPL). They defeated Dhaka Dynamites in the final during the last season of BPL.
Rakibul Kabir after the signing ceremony told that Nokia Bangladesh is immensely happy to be a part of the defending champions of the BPL. He said, “We are feeling very happy to be associated with the Rangpur Riders. They were the champion of the last BPL. We hope in this BPL they will win the trophy again.”